
National experience in implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
27 October 2023

First results & best practices in implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence both at national and international levels

AI developments require interdisciplinary discussion for better assessment of current and future risks. Approaches for assessment and regulation are under enhancement in developed and developing economies. Expert meeting and discussion could highlight the burning points in national and foreign experience in connection with elaboration and adoption of national codes of AI ethics (general or sectoral ones), AI development index, including AI ethics, other metrics

Working language: English, Russian
Format: Hybrid format with interpretation provided for both in person and online participants
October, 27

10:00 - 14:15
(8:00 - 12:15 Central European Time)

Opening statement
A.V. Torkunov, Rector of MGIMO-University
Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Member of the Board of the Russian Foreign Ministry

S. A. Zakharova, Office of the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Communication Infrastructure

The greeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO S.V. Lavrov

Tatyana E. Dovgalenko, Executive Secretary of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO


(GMT +3)

Session 1: AI ethics as the essential element for creating global governance system: challenging issues

ModeratorDr. Maxim V. Fedorov, Director for the Kharkevich Insitutute for information transmission problems, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Science

Sergey D.Bakeykin, Chairman of the Russian Committee for the UNESCO Information for All International Program
Fatima Roumate, President of the International Institute of Scientific Research
Dr. Andrey Yu. Alekseev, Professor of the Academy of Engineering RUDN, scientific secretary and coordinator of scientific programs of the Scientific Council at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the methodology of artificial intelligence and cognitive research
Alexey V. Parfun, Vice-President, Association of Communication of agencies of Russia
Anastasia V. Parshakova, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Committee for the UNESCO Information for All International Program, Deputy Director General of the Inter-regional Library Co-operation Center
Zhak Samvel Manukyan, Head of the Chair of International Relations and Diplomacy, Yerevan State University


(GMT +3)

Coffee Break


(GMT +3)

Session 2: : National experience in EAEU in the creation and development of the ethics development frameworks – policies, codes, and indicators
ModeratorAnna V. Abramova, Director of the Centre for AI, MGIMO-University

Andrey V. Neznamov, Chairman of the Commission on the Implementation of the Code of Ethics in the Field of Artificial Intelligence
Sergey Yu. Nakvasin, Director of the National Center for the Development of AI
Denis Shevelev, Data engineer, Department of Experimental Machine Learning Systems, SberDevices, Sberbank (TBC)
Aziz I. Atabekov, Director of the Research Institute for the Development of Digital Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Republic of Uzbekistan
Munira M. Tynystanova, Head of the Investment Department of Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University, ex- head of the digital transformation department of the Government Office of the Kyrgyz Republic
Valerya Sokolchik, PhD, Head of the Republican Center of Bioethics
Associate professor of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare of Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Cordel Green, Vice-Chair, Intergovernmental Council of the UNESCO Information for All Programme (IFAP); Chair, UNESCO IFAP Working Group for Information Accessibility; Executive Director, Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica
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